[SOLVED] EndeavourOS - My First Impressions and Some Suggestions

And in addition to what @Bryanpwo gives already:
There is no gui package manager supported by Archlinux. Pamac is developed by Manjaro.
It is available and easy to build and install if you like so, but it is not suitable for us to maintain it as a default package.
There are also gui apps using packagekit for qt based and gtk based DE’s available from official Archlinux repository only one simple command inside the terminal away to be installed on your system.


sudo pacman - S gnome-packagekit
sudo pacman -S apper

We may will install them per default, but we will never recommend to use them all as the only or best solution to handle packages.

From experience we know that pacman is working stable as hell, also if you can not start the X system. And to be knowledged on using it will be a lifesaver.


Good job Endeavour team ,stay Arch .
Manjaro is not Arch any more and the way the go is the reason i left it .
I think if you wound Arch you have to use it for what it is .
If i read it all the people wound tools so the have to click and play like in that windows .
Linux is in danger if the allow google and Bill gates come in , then you can say farewell to your freedom !
Snap and google is the first red flag .
Well it’s what i think , greetings


Note: this is my personal opinion only, it is not an official opinion of the Endeavour team.

As many of us know, pamac has caused issues and trouble many times before with Antergos. And that’s why the EOS team is not willing to “officially” recommend nor support any pamac version.

But there’s a package pamac-aur-git in AUR, and it is a great package IMHO. It still has some issues (maybe because EOS team is not developing it? :wink: ). It is packaged in AUR by a renowned person that I can say I trust. I’ve used it for some time now, and for many purposes I find it the best GUI package manager available for Arch based systems.

And again: do not blame the EOS team if pamac-aur-git causes problems for you, because pamac itself is developed by the Manjaro team.

So if you start using it, use it at your own risk. And remember, pacman is the official and most stable package manager for EOS there is. Note that EOS has also yay to help with the AUR software.