So why do you use Linux?

100% All I can do is plant the linux seed :seedling:

Aww thanks, though you’re a lot more experienced with Linux than I am. I’m sure your expertise is more than enough.

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You’re lucky you learnt about Linux that early… Its a shame more of us didn’t.


That’s true. I’m really thankful my parents let me change OS and experiment with my computer.

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Inspired by @Kelaun first try

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I’ve been wanting to try an MSX emulator for the original Metal Gear game lately.

When I was in High School from 98-01, our IT department was our Shop Class teacher who was not certified in IT. He just figured it out. Not sure if elementary, jr/sr high schools have a dedicated IT staff now a days. An IT staff would eat away at American school budgets.

Because as a gamer it is the only software which distracts me from gaming…in a very good way :joy:

Why do I use Linux? Because back in 2011 Microsoft announced end of support of Windows XP. I jumped ship and never went back. I still have a VM of Windows XP but I haven’t bothered to set it up in years. Does VirtualBox even run on Wayland?