Shortcut: switch focus to different monitor

Glad you got it! I would just have ensured that I had separate workspaces on each screen - then a workplace switch would take you to the other monitor…

I would probably set them up with wmctrl - but then again I’m not on KDE, which may have a better way (and appears to by this thread)

I have heard that in some forum … but i don’t understand what does it means by have a separate workspaces on each screen… hence i didn’t bother. since you mentioned it, can you pls explain ? thx.

I am not sure how KDE arranges its workspaces, but essentially they are ‘viewports’ into the screen memory - enabling you to have different programs on each, uncluttered by the other programs you run. Perhaps, as an example, like this:

  1. Browser
  2. Email and File manager
  3. Office or GIMP or…
  4. Music access and mini games (minesweeper?)

When you have a drop-down terminal defined that can pop up on any of them, that sort of setup simplifies life :grin:

It would need some research to see how they are ‘arranged’ in KDE, they could be a conceptual:
line abreast:
or stacked by 2’s

or stacked vertically. Those apply to arrangements of 4 workspaces, which is common. The number is usually selectable in your settings somewhere.

A program like wmctrl can automate setting them up - or perhaps restore session would bring it back once you have it once - again - I don’t KDE :grin:

Hope this helps (or directs you in the right direction to investigate)

How about Alt+tab?