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Hey, at least it’s a step up from PopShell extension.

Still have that running on my thinkpad…
I’m gonna keep testing Regolith on my Matebook for a week…
If I don’t encounter too much problems, I’ll put it on the thinkpad too I think

true… still enjoy Popshell :blush: if i use X86 ( rare now @ home + never on move ) might take look Regolith … :pray: for share :+1:

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the Qogir theme is great on Xfce, with the new applet Docklite for the panel


Looks amazing.

My latest Arch KDE setup :smiley: I still use the eos-update-notifier (Favorite tool of EndeavourOS hehe)

Bauh doesn’t like the tile script haha (flickering oops)


nice music :blush:

Thanks haha! I always search for non-copyright stuff :smiley:

Seems like Krohnkite is working just fine with you…

last time I tried it, it kept on crashing whenever I resized my windows too much

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nice wallpaper!

Ubuntu-regolith was my introduction to i3 and tiling wms, and for a while I loved it. Does the port include the setup in which you’re intended to interact with the i3 config mainly through Xresources?

No idea actually…
I copied over the config files from /etc/regolith to my .config folder, and I adjust the I3 config the same way as I do on my pure I3 settups.

There are some premade themes though (or ‘looks’ if you want) if that is what you mean… I believe those indeed change the overall look and feel through xresources

seems we’re going opposite ways, I started quite early with tiling WM’s, but I’ve allways been looking for a good middle ground between WM and DE

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Dracula theme?

No, nothing bloodthirsty :upside_down_face:
It’s Mint-Y-Dark-Pink :blush:


i was using i3-gnome for some time of transition to pure i3 and in between also a i3-xfce4-hybrid but with time you will see that it is much better to choose setting-tools you like without all that full DE crap running in the background…


Haha, yes. I’ve definitely been moving toward ever more stripped back, “handmade” systems.

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I’ve been running pure i3 for the last 6-7 months on my SBC’s, and on one of my laptops…
And yes, on those underpowered devices i will stick to pure I3 purely for performance

But I’ve come to the conclusion that If I want to change a setting I just want to be able to open an easy to use settings menu, where everything is put together, and where I can just toggle some settings, without having to sift through config files, or installing a bunch of other tools in the hope that it’ll all work out…

Problem is that I often spend more time tinkering, than actually working that way :joy:
(During lockdown period, it was a fun way to pass the time for me, but now I’m fulltime at work again, and time is precious now)

So on my more capable hardware, I don’t mind having that “full DE crap” running in the background, it just needs to work, without too much fuss :slight_smile:


Inspired by @BONK :smiley:






Ok, settled on fonts, AND redesigned my prompt.
Now I am just trying to decide if i should

  1. use another file manager (usually using Nemo in Xfce but stuck with Thunar all day) and
  2. install another terminal (Alacritty, despite having lost my . file for it).

Xmas Marina Exmouth Devon
