And I thought mine were saying “nutbar”
I realize I didn’t install eos-base. That’s why it shows the Arch logo, right?
that could be, but your choice
Okay, as long as you are not allergic to nuts …
i do go to a Nachtbar with my Nachbar sometimes
Anyone who knows for sure what packages are needed for neofetch to identify the install as EndeavorOS?
You should just go back to cinnamon/xfce like we both seem to do. Haha. Give gnome a go. It’s stressful got me to use.
A breath of fresh air for a new month
Meine auch…
Hey @sothis6881 that wallpaper is gorgeous. Could you tell us where it is from please?
Well that’s what stops me, really.
Being used to desktops like Xfce and Cinnamon, knowing how much choice is removed when going to Gnome is making me think twice, actually.
I’ve not used GNOME only Xfce/Cinnamon & Budgie. Not including pantheon on my elementary install.
And I personally have really enjoyed tweaking the above 3 to my liking. However, I do really like the way the gnome menu is displayed.
Plus, I think in the case of the desktop of sothis6881 the desktop and wallpaper match quite nicely.
This one isn’t much but I was just happy to be able to make it work! Maybe I can sexy it up some after September 19th?
Why 19th September? Is something happening in the world of Xfce?
For me Gnome is by far the most polished DE for Linux, with Deepin at a very distant second and Plasma at an equally distant third.
Xfce looks like Windows 98 had a baby with Windows XP and Cinnamon looks like A Windows 2000 / Windows 7 cross breed.
But Gnome is very very OSX. It is about as tolerant to change as Apple is and it really really REALLY want you to use the apps they made for you. Even more so than say Windows 10.
Eventually. They HAVE doubled their development speed promising a new major version every two years instead of once every decade
Not xfce … that screen shot is from a Cubieboard2 ARM device, so I am thinking about this EndeavourOS ARM is coming on September 19
Yeah from what I’ve seen in numerous forums Deepin, Plasma & GNOME can sometimes cause issues for people during updates. So I always assumed that yes they’re fancy, but they can cause issues and be resource heavy. Whereas, I barely see people post technical issues with cinnamon or Xfce. Unless I have a case of confirmation bias
So I’d rather have stability and speed when it comes to my DEs