Share your alias AND/OR function

Quick Setup/change Swap file:

# swapfile
swap-activate() {

    echo "How much MB should your swapfile have?"
    echo "Enter here: "
    read -r i

    while ! [[ "$i" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; do
        echo "memory size, has to be numbers"
        echo "try again: "
        read -r i

    echo -e 'Do you want to use \e[38;2;242;29;0m'"${i}"'\e[0mMB?'
    echo "Press y are Enter to continue"

    read -r r

    if [[ "$r" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || [[ "$r" == "" ]]; then

        sudo swapoff /swapfile &&
            sh -c "sudo rm /swapfile" &&
            sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count="$i" status=progress &&
            sh -c "sudo chmod 600 /swapfile" &&
            sudo mkswap /swapfile &&
            sudo swapon /swapfile &&
            cat <<'EOF' >/etc/sysctl.d/99-swappiness.conf

    # sudo sysctl vm.vfs_cache_pressure=100
    # sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=8
    # sudo mkinitcpio -P
        if sh -c "sudo grep -q '/swapfile' /etc/fstab"; then
            sudo echo "Entry already exists in /etc/fstab"
            echo "/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab
            sudo echo "Entry added to /etc/fstab"
        echo "swapfile cancelled.."

alias swap_delete='sudo swapoff /swapfile ; sudo rm /swapfile ; sudo mkinitcpio -P'
alias swapStatus='swapon --show'

A few cherry picks. If you have ideas to improve some of the more complex ones, let me know please. Especially on how to add flatpak to check for updates.

System maintenance:

alias update='yay --answerupgrade none && flatpak uninstall --unused && flatpak update && rustup update && balooctl check'
alias uninstall='yay -Rs'
alias check='checkupdates ; yay -Qua ; rustup check'
alias clean='paccache -r && journalctl --vacuum-time=4weeks'
alias mirrors='reflector --protocol https --verbose --latest 25 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist && eos-rankmirrors --verbose && yay -Syyu'

Neofetch alternative:

alias f='fastfetch --logo none --gpu-format '\''{2} [{6}] {3}'\'' --gpu-force-vulkan'

Note on fastfetch: I have AMD GPUs and I want to have the driver versions displayed too. But with default configuration its not working correctly, just displaying mesa for both GPUs. This ensures to add and display the Mesa version correctly, with a few additional information. And BTW who need these ā€œuselessā€ logos anyway (they are always in my way when trying to copy a line or more importantly, when trying to grep).

Saving only a few keystrokes, but saving lot of lifes:

alias ..='cd .. && pwd'
alias brc='nvim ~/.bashrc'
alias ls='eza'
alias deck='ssh deck@steamdeck'
alias vim='nvim'
alias nrc='nvim ~/.config/nvim'
alias x='chmod +x'

Note about the brc and nrc: I usually have multiple of these with a leading letter (such as b) representing a program name and always adding rc to it, indicating its a configuration file. So regardless of the actual filename and format, its always ā€œformattedā€ like this for consistency.

And a function:

mkcd() {
	mkdir -- "${@}" && cd -- "${1}" || exit