Share your alias AND/OR function

Here’s a couple of little goodies, adapted into functions for those interested in an easy way to check on updates without waiting for a notifier… you could even say it’s a “notify on demand”! One of them safely produces a COUNT of pending updates (both repo and AUR) - and the other actually lists them.

Update count
# Function to count available updates

upcnt() {
# create vars

# count AUR and pacman updates
NEWAUR=`yay -Qua | wc -l`
NEWPKG=`checkupdates | wc -l`

# output RESULT
if [[ ${NEWPKG} == 0 && ${NEWAUR} == 0 ]]; then
	RESULT="System up-to-date"
	RESULT=$NEWPKG" Repo pkgs + "$NEWAUR" AUR pkgs need updating"
echo $RESULT
Updates list
# Function to list available updates

upls() {
# create vars

# count AUR updates
NEWAUR=`yay -Qua | wc -l`

# run checkupdatesext to create file in /tmp
checkupdatesext > /tmp/update-list
if [[ ${NEWAUR} > 0 ]]; then
		echo " " >> /tmp/update-list
		echo "AUR Packages" >> /tmp/update-list
		echo "------------" >> /tmp/update-list
		yay -Qua | column -t -N Name,Current,"->",New >> /tmp/update-list

# output RESULT
if [[ -s /tmp/update-list ]]; then
	cat /tmp/update-list
	rm /tmp/update-list
	echo "No pending updates..."

Just paste either or both of these into your .bashrc (or other appropriate place) and once it has been sourced they are available for your enjoyment.

Note: these are written to be understood and to work - not to be stylish or minimalistic!