Setting up network manually, questions and problems

Hi dear community,

I’m going more and more into the system, trying to configure ips (static, so without dhcp) and connecting with the most deep program, the scarry wpa_supplicant.

For the wpa_supplicant part, for now I think it is ok, but I think I’m failing somewhere to attribute ips.

Here are what I did yet :

-ip a(ddress)
-ip r(oute)

ATM, I can connect my routeur to my wlan0, but I only send packets, can’t get them (basically, can’t surf on the internet)

Some questions, because I am really novice into network :

Why doesn’t it work atm ?
Why arp table is incomplete and how to get a working setting ?
Optionnally, what’s the use of gateway and netmask ? Why isn’t it show when I print « ip a » ?

Here is my network/interfaces :slight_smile:

Thx to anyone who takes time to answer to an apprentice.

Not sure what desktop you are using but NetworkManager is the way i would go since I’m using Kde. Keep in mind that normally you cannot just set a static ip address without having that being provided by your ISP.

A static IP address is an address that is permanently assigned to your network devices by your ISP, and does not change even if your device reboots. Static IP addresses typically have two versions: IPv4 and IPv6.

Dynamic IP address is an address that keeps on changing which is the norm for ISP.

I’m not sure what you are attempting to do exactly? Most internal IP addresses are private assigned by the router within the network.

Anyway maybe this helps.

Thx for the answer but I do not use NetworkManager, nor a DE, nor systemd (should have say it in the first post, even if it is irrevelant here.)

In many domestic situations a router is the gateway. The gateway is the “door” where your internal network get out into the big bad world outside.

A pc or laptop or any device on you internal network will try to find that gateway (by its IP) and the gateway will that send out the request into the external network.

Netmask is about different classes of AP adresses:

Well as i said I’m not sure what you are trying to do but Networking isn’t simple; it’s complex. I do have a Network certification but it is not one of the top tier like Cisco CCNA. A lot of Networking is hardware and configuration but it’s also understanding all the different concepts and protocols and knowing how to configure it. There are lots of Networking types and configurations in the industry. It takes time and effort to learn this stuff. :persevere: