Screen resolution

Hi! i hope you have a great day.

I have a problem with lightdm, gdm and ssdm, if a change to any of these my monitor just cant change resolution beyond 1295x720, my monitor appears as “Unknown” and the mouse became sonic with the speed. Im locked with lxdm environment because is the only one what detect my monitor as it is, 1920x1080, model, refresh, etc.

Im still learning, can anyone help me?

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:mouse: :dash:

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Yeah, my mouse moves from 0 to 1000 sensivility, i need to move it very slow to do something. I read some other forums they only talk about multi-monitor and i only have one.

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The Arch Wiki suggests it could possibly be because HiDPI is enabled (the default now).

To disable it, referencing these instructions (I assume we can simply set this to false instead of true):

sudo nano /etc/sddm.conf.d/hidpi.conf

Then insert the following:



Nope, still the same