Screen garbage with Midnight Commander on xfce4-terminal

I don’t normally use mcedit, nor mc for that matter, but I don’t see a -b parameter.
What does it do?

Checked it myself before sending this. The theme changes to black and white?
As I’m not experiencing the issue, the visual difference is only in the theme.
What happens if you set mc itself to a different theme?

Never mind. Found it. Used mcedit --help-all instead of just -h.

mcedit --help-all
  mcedit [OPTION…] [+lineno] file1[:lineno] [file2[:lineno]...]

  -b, --nocolor             Requests to run in black and white
  -c, --color               Request to run in colour mode
  -C, --colors=<string>     Specifies a colour configuration
  -S, --skin=<string>       Show mc with specified skin

So the question remains, what happens if you set mc itself to a different theme, then run it in the usual way?

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