Safesync Resurrected - mirrorlist admin for experts - feedback is appreciated

New version 0.2.6 is out!
Several improvements and additions.
Install with:

git clone
cd safesync
makepkg -si

Updated help message, for a quick idea:

Creates, sorts by speed and changes mirror servers safely, for any defined repository
in archlinux/pacman based Linux systems.

  safesync [-h|--help] [-V|--version]
  safesync [OPTIONS] ACTION [LIST]

  The ACTION should always be after all OPTIONS, followed by optional LIST REPOs and/or FILEs
  Read below for explanation of proper usage

  -h|--help : Show this help message
  -V|--version : Print program name and version

  -i |--init : (Re)Initialize the REPO|FILE mirrorlist(s)
        Default: REPO=extra
  -r |--rate : Rate and sort (by fastest) repository servers
        Default: REPO=extra
  -s |--safe : Ensure the active servers are "safe" to sync (synced at a later date than local DB)
        Default: REPO=archlinux (or FILE=/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist)
  -g |--toggle : Toggle selected servers in a mirrorlist from enabled to disabled and vice versa
        Default: REPO=archlinux (or FILE=/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist). It requires rofi

  A LIST of repositories and/or mirrorlist files to use with ACTION, in this form: [REPO|FILE [REPO|FILE] ...]
  You can mix REPOs and FILEs, if you wish to.
  If LIST is ommited, a default is used. All repositories that use the same mirrorlist,
  are checked and tested, except when using --toggle.

  REPO repository must be defined in pacman.conf. "all" acts on all defined repositories.
  For mirrorlists that serve more than one REPO, you can use any of the known repo names.
  The reason to use a repo instead of a mirrorlist file is the size of the file that will be downloaded.
  For example, with Archlinux "extra" REPO, a larger file is downloaded during speed ranking, producing
  more accurate real world results, than using "core".
  For convenience, we include aliases for known providers, which then use a default REPO per repository.
  "arch" and "archlinux" is equivalent to REPO=extra.
  "archarm" and "archlinuxarm" is equivalent to REPO=extra.
  "arco" and "arcolinux" is equivalent to REPO=arcolinux_repo.
  "chaotic" is equivalent to REPO=chaotic-aur.

  FILE can be absolute, or relative. When a FILE is given, the file name (basename) is used as REPO name.
  For example, when the FILE is a valid REPO name in the current directory, like with

safesync -i extra

  will first check for an existing file "$PWD/extra".
  If the file is found, it will use the entry as a mirrorlist file with REPO="extra" .
  If the file is not found, it will then use the entry as a REPO. So, when the FILE is absolute,
  or in a relative folder, it cannot be a valid REPO name and thus, it will be skipped.

  -p |--pacnew : Use pacnew files with --init, instead of fetching upstream list
  -c |--conf FILE : Use custom configuration file FILE, instead of the default
        (Default: FILE=/etc/pacman.conf)
  -NUM |--enable [NUM] : Enable top/first NUM servers in REPO mirrorlist
        (Default: NUM=3)
  -t |--target [TARGET] : Save the output list to TARGET
        (Default: prompt for user input. See bellow for more details)
  --no-conf-servers : Do not check for included Servers directly in pacman.conf
        WARNING: There are usually no Servers in pacman.conf, but it is UNSAFE to use it, in case there are
  --no-safe-test : Do not check servers for sync status, with --init and --rate
  --all-countries : With --init, use all countries in the mirrorlist (do not prompt for selection)
        WARNING: Avoid using all countries with Archlinux repos. There are too many!!
  -x| --scripted : Run without prompting for user input, using parameters, or the defaults
  -q |--quiet : Do not show standard info messages
  -v |--verbose|--debug : Show debug info messages. Used for troubleshooting and bug reports

  TARGET is a PATH or one of the reserved words "system", "local" or "print".
  If "system", file is copied to the pacman.conf defined mirrorlist path.
  If "local", file is copied to safesync local data path ($HOME/.local/share/safesync/mirrorlists).
  If "print", file is printed to terminal output.
  If TARGET is empty, it defaults to $PWD (current working directory/path).
  If --target is not used, it prompts for target, unless --scripted is used which defaults to "print".

  To list all currently configured repositories, run: pacman-conf -l
  If rofi is installed, it will be used for countries selection with --init, and --toggle, or else
  a bash based selection is used.

Thanks to everyone which gave feedback!