We HotFixed current ISO already, to not try installing it anymore, but as it is still installed on the current released ISO it will still be an option to be used for manual partition.
So it is not possible to use Reiser filesystem for installs anymore. It will result in an unbooting OS.
As installed system will miss the support for the reiserfs.
ReiserFS has been discussed for removal from the Linux kernel since early 2022 due to a lack of maintenance upstream, and technical issues inherent to the filesystem, such as suffering from the year 2038 problem it was deprecated in Linux 5.18and marked as obsolete in Linux 6.6,with complete removal planned for Linux 6.13. ReiserFS was removed from mainline during Linux 6.13 development cycle.
Sorry to ask, but I am not sure to understand fully: I saw the info earlier on my terminal, saying that Reiserfsprogs was not anymore available in the AUR, so I uninstalled it from my system.
Does it mean that if I reboot now, I’ll have issues ? If yes, how to fix this ? But I may be paranoid…
This means you can still use it for now, but for the future it is a good idea to start using a supported filesystem like btrfs or ext4 (just to mention some).
Edit: if you use reiserfs filesystem, you probably should not uninstall reiserfsprogs in order to be able to boot. But not sure about that since I don’t use reiserfs. I deleted the package and the system boots OK.
make sure Github and Gitlab are not restricted in your country, but from your Name its not likely, also just see your log is timed before i added the HotFix so try again and it should work now.
Hi, yeah I tried again and now it worked perfectly fine, I didn’t knew about that hotfix loading system where I don’t need to update my .iso, and just booting again is enough, thanks