Random Freezes with new nvidia drivers "Idling display engine timed out" error

To confirm why creating a new user works, it is because sometimes the issue someone’s system is having is user-inflicted. It’s usually unintentional, but some config file in the user directory that’s missing, changed, corrupted, etc. that causes incorrect behaviour.

So, yes, you won’t have access to all your data, but that’s kind of the point. Something in your data, meaning your home directory, may just be the cause of the issue.

In any case, there’s a simple way to recreate your old user:

  1. Create a new user login and give it admin privileges
  2. Copy/Backup your old user login to a folder (preferably on an external device).
  3. Delete your old user login.
  4. Recreate your old user login with the same exact username.
  5. Copy only the most essential settings from your backed up folder.
  6. Carry on like nothing happened.

To do this efficiently/effectively, it would be a good idea to temporarily install another file manager for Step 3 and onward. Uninstall it once finished.

Lastly, but importantly, before doing this, figure out what settings are important to keep, and check your user permissions so you can add them to the recreated login.


Yes I know this way of doing it, I had already done it this way for a previous problem.I personally think that the problem comes from the drivers and not from me, since I did not have the problem before the update to the new drivers.
The problem is that there aren’t many people with the new cards and who are on Linux, hence the fact that no one complains about it.

I will try your recommendation when I have time, one evening or this weekend.

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I have system freeze on my desktop PC, happens randomly when using firefox. But it also happened with amd graphics on a laptop, and with linux and linux-zen. Trying linux-lts, didn’t happen so far.
Edit : Cinnamon DE, no wayland.

Are you sure your problem is related to mine? Do you have the same errors in the kernel logs?

No, I must admit I’m not sure at all. I was searching recent threads in the forum about freezing issues and I found this one. So maybe not related, sorry.

No problem, but I was asking because it doesn’t look like that. If you have a problem where the entire PC freezes and the kernel logs indicate a connection with NVIDIA, that may be it.

I’m back because I’ve made progress in solving the problem. First of all, I would like to inform you that the latest stable version of the nvidia driver (570.124.04) does not solve the problem. I discovered that my problem occurs exclusively when I put a video in full screen, it already happened to me with a youtube video and a video that was on discord. The most important information is that I also discovered that it only happens to me after waking up from sleep. Not when the PC has never been put to sleep. I had to set up some settings for my nvidia card, including one that concerns sleep :

The problem may come from there, I should test in the next few days.

I come back again to inform you that I tried with a new account and the problem is still there. The problem does not come from the configurations linked to the user. It therefore comes either from the configurations linked to the system, or directly from the driver.
@anon93652015 Didn’t work :frowning:

It’s been a while, so I don’t remember what you’ve tried so far. One of the steps I mentioned was trying another DE/WM/WC. If using another one is out of the question for you, then the last resort would probably apply. That is, using another distro.