Python-future - exit status 4

Hello, I just did an update and I get this error "==> ERRORE: Si è verificato un errore in check().
L’operazione sta per essere interrotta…
→ errore durante la creazione: python-future-exit status 4
→ Installazione dei seguenti pacchetti non riuscita. È richiesto l’intervento manuale:
python-future - exit status 4 " in the meantime the amule application that I often use no longer opens, I don’t want something to break with the update. thanks.

Have a look at this topic:

It was resolved by removing python-future.


These steps helped me solve the python-futureproblem.

  • paccache -r
  • paccache -ruk0
  • yay -Yc
  • yay -Syyu

Remember. This works on MY Pc. Just a head up


Thank you very much, problem solved.

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@Marcavatar, Please mark @swh’s post as “Solution” so others who stumble upon the thread will see.

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