Problems with a *new* prompt in Terminal


It’s been a while since I installed Arch-based systems, now I come back and I see a strange, different change in the terminal prompt, it is enclosed in brackets, which does not allow me to compile, giving a false “error” …

‘permiso denegado’=permission denied:

[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc ~]$ cd Descargas
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc Descargas]$ ls
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc Descargas]$ cd Descargas
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc Descargas]$ ls
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc Descargas]$ cd CHESS-DOWNLOADS
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc CHESS-DOWNLOADS]$ ls
Caissabase_2022_12_24  Fischer.pgn  Obsidian-13.0  scid_vs_pc-4.25  ShashChess-36  stockfish
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc CHESS-DOWNLOADS]$ cd scid_vs_pc-4.25
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc scid_vs_pc-4.25]$ ./configure
bash: ./configure: Permiso denegado
[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc scid_vs_pc-4.25]$

Of course, once we reach this point, it is impossible to continue:

[won@won-hpprobook455156inchg10notebookpc scid_vs_pc-4.25]$

I have openSUSE, Fedora and MXLinux and they all remain with the same configuration as before, without those rare brackets.

First I tried Bluestar Linux, I thought it was a kind of mistake because it is a new distro, then I moved on to Manjaro, the same problem, and now Endeavouros.

What should I learn now to allow me to compile in Arch with this new prompt?

Thanks and best regards.

Hi @Won, welcome to the forum.
If you want to change your prompt, you can edit the .bashrc in your $HOME. Change the

PS1='[\u@\h \W\]$ '


PS1='\u@\h \W\$ '
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Maybe you need to make it executable?

chmod +x ./configure

then run ./configure normally as you did

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Nice but can you boot them (assuming can)
What is it yoyu are trying to use? (scipt ect post contents otherwise advise wil just be general)

It seemed to me that the best thing to do was to remove the brackets and that’s what I did, solved.

PS1='\u@\h \W$ ’

Anyway, very grateful to all who commented!.

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