Correct, but only if Nvidia driver is installed of course.
For dedicated graphics only, one has the option to switch Intel off in the bios, but need to black list nouveau. This works for me:
Then the alternative is to install optimus-manager and switch back and forth between Intel or Nvidia card on laptop. When it works it is ok, but graphics can be glitchy.
no need to remove anything before run nvidia-installer-dkms -t as it is a test only not installing anythingā¦ And checking /etc/default/grub.cfg is also not related to any real change you need to doā¦ as it will be changed if nvidia-installer-dkms was running with success before.
yes I seeā¦ i do not like to use Bios for UEFI and feel more comfortable using firmware instead ā¦ because Bios is the name that is used for legacy MBR systems
GNU nano 5.9 grub
# GRUB boot loader configuration
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet loglevel=3 nowatchdog nvidia-drm.modeset=1"
# Preload both GPT and MBR modules so that they are not missed
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos"
# Uncomment to enable booting from LUKS encrypted devices
# Set to 'countdown' or 'hidden' to change timeout behavior,
# press ESC key to display menu.
# Uncomment to use basic console
this list could be the only issue i can seeā¦
as installing nvidia-dkms and nvidia-settings will install dependencies only like so:
i do have this (using 470xx):
pacman -Qs nvidia
[16:15:53] joekamprad :: UNGEHEUER64 ā ~ Ā» pacman -Qs nvidia 1 āµ
local/egl-wayland 1:1.1.9+2+gdaab854-1
EGLStream-based Wayland external platform
local/libvdpau 1.4-1
Nvidia VDPAU library
local/libxnvctrl-470xx 470.86-1
local/nouveau-fw 325.15-1
This package provides video & pgraph firmwares for all NVIDIA chipsets that need them
local/nvidia-470xx-dkms 470.86-2
NVIDIA drivers - module sources
local/nvidia-470xx-settings 470.86-1
Tool for configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver
local/nvidia-470xx-utils 470.86-2
NVIDIA drivers utilities
local/nvidia-hook 1.0-1
pacman hook for nvidia
local/nvidia-installer-db 2.5.1-2
Database for the script to setup nvidia drivers in EndeavourOS
local/nvidia-installer-dkms 3.3.11-1
Script to setup nvidia drivers (dkms version) in EndeavourOS
we should check if nvidia-installer-dkms needs to be changed on lƶatest nvidia driversā¦ as it could be dependencies changed or differ now to be working with optimus implementation of the driverā¦ @manuel ?
@Zircon34 could you check output of: pacman -Qs nvidia too?
that is what I was thinking, the only thing that changed is the updated driver to 495, previous 470 install worked with nvidia-installer script.
Note I do not use optimus-manager on this laptop, I just installed the two nvidia packages nvidia-dkms and nvidia-settings. It works and also recompiles when I have a kernel update. I am not sure what nvidia-hooks is used for, but if it is not a dependency of these two packages, I donāt seem to need this package to make my hybrid card system work.
Note that I did not make any changes to the grub file, but as mentioned in my first post I did pacman nvidia-installer dkms right after eos installation, then removed it since I was booting onto black screen. Then just installed the two packages I mention in previous paragraph and everything works as expected. Just making sure we are on the same page.