yeah one other symptom that I’m now sure is related but I think I’ll mention anyway is that Bluetooth audio is also not working properly. My headphones will connect and pair but the sound devices do not show my headphones. On a fresh boot I can play audio from the internal speakers or if I use wired headphones they work but as soon as I try anything BT all audio stops.
Hello guys, i tried to switch from pulseaudio to pipewire and that seemed to have solved my problem.
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I can confirm that switching to Pipewire from Pulseaudio works. For completeness I will put what I did that worked for me.
[nexxuz@firefly ~]$ yay -Rdd pulseaudio
[nexxuz@firefly ~]$ yay -S pipewire-{jack,alsa,pulse}
[nexxuz@firefly ~]$ systemctl --user enable --now pipewire pipewire-pulse
Make sure none of the commands are run as sudo.
My system now is able to play Youtube videos AND my Bluetooth headset works!
Thank you!
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