Pkg manager gui in welcome app only

Reasons for not including the option have been voiced by several users above; I will simply add that I agree with those reasons.


If they add a disclaimer prior to installing it, then wtf is the issue?
It puts the responsibility on the user there, written in clear, bold text.
Thatā€™s what seems to be passing through everyoneā€™s ear and out the other.

the answer was given by Bryanpwo ā€¦ so why this thread still going ?

If you feel you can not recommend EOS because of this thing then that your choice :+1:


I think probably something information at the welcome screenā€¦is not to bother about , but every idea is ok on a term. must not going sencitive also :slight_smile:
personal comming to forum gives a lot information to share.

Well just because I mentioned a GUI pkg manager Iā€™m being frowned upon and itā€™s not even being 1 % considered. Itā€™s 2020, not 1990ā€¦GUI is the modern way.
Anyway, Iā€™m done, because even adding a disclaimer no one wants to consider.
Pointless having a recommendation category on the forum if nothing is going to get considered and partly because old school Archers donā€™t want GUI changes.
Have a good week everyone

there is a TUI installed in the form of pcursed only its not easy offcourse :slight_smile:

you not frowned on ā€¦ you got told why it prob not happen but you still carry it on! I sorry you hurt , maybe go to a GUI rich distro . Have a nice week :wave:

ps ā€¦ Most i ever say on this forum :scream:


Well how about you recommend some GUI rich Arch distroā€™s other than Manjar-shit?

If you believe that EndeavourOS hasnā€™t modernize itself, try installing Archlinux the Arch way. :thinking:

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You can add whatever you wish to the base installation. If you want GUIs everywhere, you can add GUIs everywhere. Whatā€™s the problem?


You answer your own question :+1: Install vanilla Arch and build your own :wink: then it can be sooooo 2020 without old school Archers

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Itā€™s the Arch users who make Arch unberable to use with their old traditions regardless of what Arch distro Iā€™m using.
Arch users = knobs
That is why I am now going back to Gentoo.
Good luck with this project, hope it fails in the end.


And yet you chose the user name archislifeā€¦ :man_shrugging:


@moderators Think this can be closed as archislife has the solution :+1:


its ok, In the Tips you have information about packagemanager , its for distro enough to look for users. its stil not a manjarorishh type of distrobution, there is always need a learning curve , like in tips there are essentials tips to look. I think its enough for today :wink:


I believe this thread has run its course. :hugs: