Pipewire-jack and jack2 are in conflict (jack)

For what is worth, if you would like to post the terminal output in English, you could prefix the command to be executed with LANG=C.


LANG=C sudo pacman -Syu

I had the same problem as @mr_netlex and this solution worked for me. Thanks!

No surprise here. The current state of the repositories is the same. No matter, if it is a new installation, or an older one.

On Gnome it just prompted if I wanted to replace jack2 during my update and I said yes

On KDE it brought up an error message about conflicting packages, so I just did sudo pacman -S pipewire-jack by itself first. I got the prompt and installed it fine. Then I continued with the update


So, I just want to clarify that my advice above using pacman -Rdd was in response to a specific issue one poster was having and I only provided that advice after getting quite a bit of information from that person.

I don’t generally recommend using pacman -Rdd to rip dependencies out. That should be a last resort.


this did the trick on KDE

Also had to do that on cinnamon plus lib32.

This post saved my day

In most cases you should let tlp be removed.

However if you prefer tlp than remove power profiles daemon instead.


If you are using Gnome or KDE you may not have a choice, you’ll have to remove tlp.

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Yeah, tlp flew out of the window. Not sure what are those packages for, I think I won’t notice any difference. Just want to make sure I don’t pull out heart and bones, and then wondering why I got black screen. =)

well this is work for me

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This was the solution for me. Thanks a lot

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