Partition Access

Within my workflow i generally use an internal HDD for storage, as well as an external card reader via usb, however whenever i attempt to open a drive after startup i am prompted to authorise access and and enter a password, which is a large inconvenience when anyone could simply open these partitions using my other linux os (mint) without such restrictions.

Is there any way i can remove the need for this security?

You can’t remove the need for the security, but you can probably increase your access level to those devices

Try this: add yourself to the group “disk”. Logout and login(or reboot) for the group change to take effect.

Does that fix it? If not, try adding yourself to the group “storage” and repeat the same steps.

how do i add myself to the group? i dont see anything related to groups in the users panel, and a search for groups didn’t find anything either

 sudo usermod -aG disk username 

Replace username with your actual username

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Or: you can add your HDD in your /etc/fstab

The solution suggested here might be of your help !

Tried the usermod method, no luck on both disk and storage. looking at that solution regarding /etc/fstab, is there a way i can generate the precise format /. order the items are listed? using fstab revealed what i can see is the necessary contents but not in the right format.

How is your fstab looking then ?

Share its entry.

Start reading here, please…

# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=20ad7745-471f-4032-90f5-ebfa41055221 /              ext4    defaults,noatime 0 1
tmpfs                                     /tmp           tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0

Reading now

read through it, still unclear how i can put it in the same format as fstab, since the file seems to use spaces rather than tabs to separate columns
ran the code to find the UUID/label successfully, but nowhere on the link did i spot anything about regenerating the exact format that the other entries are in.
all i need is plasma (ofc), mint/win7 partitions, and the 1TB hard drive

[main-i5-kde-user@main-i5-kde ~]$ lsblk -f
NAME FSTYPE FSVER LABEL        UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
     squash 4.0                                                           0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/atom/286
     squash 4.0                                                           0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/core20/1611
     squash 4.0                                                           0   100% /var/lib/snapd/snap/snapd/16292
│    ntfs         win7         20EAC5A2EAC57496                                    
│    ext4   1.0                20ad7745-471f-4032-90f5-ebfa41055221  104.8G    16% /
│    swap   1                  271f607c-3908-4e60-b719-535d7ba78254                
│    vfat   FAT32              987D-6AD2                                           
     ext4   1.0   mint         9acd1384-d81c-4676-8d42-00a04388f263                
│    ntfs         System Reserved
│                              20E898CAE8989F98                                    
     ntfs         DRIVE 1      105C00445C002756                      711.4G    24% /run/media/main-i5-kde-user/DRIVE 1

sudo nano /etc/fstab

Put in the new entries by hand, using spaces.

Then ctrl+o to save, and ctrl+x to exit nano editor.

<fsck> sets the order for file system checks at boot time; see fsck(8). For the root device it should be 1. For other partitions it should be 2, or 0 to disable checking.

all working, thanks a ton!!!
love this os + forum, so helpful, great community

Please mark the post leading you to solve this issue you had as “solution”.


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