Pamac-manager no longer starts

It was working fine up until about a week ago, and now it just does nothing.

  1. That’s way too little information for anyone to help you. What is the output in the terminal when you start it from there?
  2. Most people here do not use Pamac, and many would advise you not to do so.
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  1. Nothing show currently after waiting 2 hrs. It used to say Timeout.
  2. What would be a good GUI AUR package manager?

Which pamac version are you using. You could always just install another aur version and it will remove the current version. I know most people would not advise to use pamac but i have it installed and sometimes use it for other purposes. :person_shrugging:

❯ pamac --version
pamac-cli 11.6.0-5  -  libpamac 11.6.4-1
Copyright © 2019-2023 Guillaume Benoit
This program is free software, you can redistribute it under the terms of the GNU GPL.

❯ pamac-manager --version
Pamac  11.7.1-4

Have you considered yay?

I’ve been relying on it from the outset of my EOS experience - it hasn’t hiccup’ed on me yet. :+1:


I use yay, but you need to know somewhat part of the name to search.

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I would try removing it all and then clean building it again to see if it will start working. You, of course, don’t have to do it if you don’t want. But I, personally, would at least try it.

There are quite a few pamac packages in AUR:

Which one do you have?

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Interesting distinction.

I’d never thought of having to know some part of a program’s name to be a meaningful constraint since either (a) I know what I’m looking for “close enough” [with an assist from the -Ss option], or (b) I’m pursuing a program I’d read about somewhere online [in which case I know the name of it].

Different strokes. :man_shrugging:

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That’s what i asked? Using pamac --version is not which AUR pamac package.
Is it: Hmm?


Sometimes if the version i use isn’t working because of something needed updating i switch to one that is working.

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❯ yay -Q pamac
pamac-aur 11.7.1-4

Try octopi instead?

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I search the net for suggestions for something general (like image editors, etc.) if I don’t have a specific program in mind and then go to and then yay in the Terminal for installing.

Not GUI but a TUI if you must have a package manager of such then maybe pacseek would be a better fit


Thanks! This fills all of my uses except for asking to install optional packages.