Pacman cache and yay/eos-update

I’ve setup a basic Pacman cache using ‘CacheServer = server:port’ in ‘/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist’ and it’s working as expected.

Do I now have to update only using ‘sudo pacman -syu’ or can I still use the ‘eos-update’ shortcut which I see uses Yay.

This question goes for the machine with the cache I intend to use and the clients.

Yay is pacman frontend and has some read only in libalpm… yay is not a pm itself it just a frontend

I understand this, the only cause I can see for me to use it is updating AUR apps so will probably just avoid using it for main updates as I only use one AUR app.

“It has some read only in lbalpm” I don’t understand this sorry.

You can use either.

yay is using pacman to do the updates so it will honor your settings either way.

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Awesome thanks.

Libalpm is the core…yay use that for read stuf

Major pacman changes yay can be delayed by a day and feeds a error back but not that serious

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Got you. Thanks.

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