Os-prober/grub can't detect other EOS install on second drive

Hello there,

My drive situation: 3 drives
A.)Original os on drive 1 was windows
B.)Then EOS on drive 2 was installed - no problem - grub lets me choose EOS or Windows
C.)Then another EOS install (testing purposes) on drive 3 - os-prober/grub can’t detect this system, but I can boot that system using boot menu. Os-prober/grub on this disk can’t detect the original EOS install, but can detect Windows (so it is exactly the same situation as with the firt EOS install).

But I am able to mount the partition from other EOS, so I can see them when inside the system.

Everything is updated

Any ideas what can I do?

Is the one you can’t detect using btrfs?

Both EOS installs are btfrs.

That is an os-prober bug.

You could try os-prober-btrfs from the AUR. I haven’t personally tested that though.

Well, I don’t really need that secondary install to be btrfs. Lets say I install it as ext4, while keeping my primary install as btrfs.
Should it work normally, if I try to os-probe and update the grub menu from that primary system? Do I need to create that EFI partition on that drive with secondary EOS install (I do have right now)?

The answer is yes.
I reinstalled my secondary EOS system (and added couple more on top of that) using ext4 and os-probe from my primary system works as expected.
Thank you for your time

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