Nvidia GeForce 3060 RTX Mobile not working

I fixed it myself pluggin the monitor through thunderbolt instead of traditional HDMI.

Here is how I fixed it:

  • First I removed optimus-manager-qt-git and optimus-manager-git
sudo pacman -Rs optimus-manager-git optimus-manager-qt-git
  • Then I installed envy-control:
cd /your/path
git clone https://github.com/bayasdev/envycontrol.git
cd envycontrol
sudo pacman -S python-pipx # this is to create an isolated environment
pipx install .
  • Now get the path to execute the script:
pipx list # search for the envycontrol
# in my case it was: sudo /home/gitblanc/.local/bin/envycontrol --switch nvidia
sudo /path/to/envycontrol --switch nvidia
  • It is imperative to reboot for the changes to take effect: sudo reboot now

Thanks for the help given @ricklinux , hope more people finds this Topic helpful :slight_smile: .

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