Nvidia drops 700 (Kepler) into legacy branch (470xx)

Thank you very much i already found a "generic solution", taking this code from grub repair tool, work for every main linux system: if root is in /dev/sda1

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
sudo chroot /mnt


pacman -Rnsc nvidia-dkms nvidia-settings nvidia-utils

After booting you will have nouveau again, but if you really need the nvidia-470 driver, just do:

yay -Sa nvidia-470xx-dkms opencl-nvidia-470xx nvidia-470xx-utils lib32-opencl-nvidia-470xx

Last but not least the nvidia-settings package can be the latest from extra repo, so simple do:

yay -S nvidia-settings

Listing all nvidia packages:

pacman -Q | grep nvidia

nvidia-470xx-dkms 470.82.00-1
nvidia-470xx-utils 470.82.00-1
nvidia-installer-db 2.5-1
nvidia-installer-dkms 3.3.10-1
nvidia-settings 495.44-1
opencl-nvidia-470xx 470.82.00-1

Since from now on you will update your Nvidia LTS Legacy driver from aur, is good to ignore this endeavour script in /etc/pacman.conf (To avoid future warning)

IgnorePkg = eos-kernel-nvidia-update-check nvidia-installer-dkms nvidia-installer-db

:drooling_face: I think removing nvidia-installer-db && nvidia-installer-dkms is safe for reasons explained above. :yawning_face:

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I guess Iā€™m one of the lucky ones with a newer Nvidia card.

[ricklinux@eos-xfce ~]$ inxi -Ga
Graphics:  Device-1: Intel CometLake-S GT2 [UHD Graphics 630] vendor: ASUSTeK driver: i915
           v: kernel bus-ID: 00:02.0 chip-ID: 8086:3e92 class-ID: 0380
           Device-2: NVIDIA GP104 [GeForce GTX 1060 6GB] vendor: ASUSTeK driver: nvidia
           v: 495.44 alternate: nouveau,nvidia_drm bus-ID: 01:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:1b83
           class-ID: 0300
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.13 compositor: xfwm4 v: 4.16.1 driver: loaded: nvidia
           display-ID: :0.0 screens: 1
           Screen-1: 0 s-res: 1920x1080 s-dpi: 101 s-size: 483x272mm (19.0x10.7")
           s-diag: 554mm (21.8")
           Monitor-1: DVI-D-0 res: 1920x1080 hz: 60 dpi: 102 size: 477x268mm (18.8x10.6")
           diag: 547mm (21.5")
           OpenGL: renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2 v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 495.44
           direct render: Yes
[ricklinux@eos-xfce ~]$ 

Just use arch-chroot /mnt after mounting instead of all these commands, does the same thing.


It is a shame as many Kepler cards are still decent for normal use.

But great to hear supported on 470 branch, hopefully for long enough for GPU shortage to be resolved. 2 years?

Best time to end support for something in short supplyā€¦


@d.lion.2020 in additionā€¦ you can also simply go to TTY2 and only run package transactionsā€¦ if Network is configured. :sunglasses:


To check which Nvidia driver versions support your Nvidia card, use command

nvidia-driver-supported-branches -a

Hereā€™s some more info:



Or, you can right to the source. The Nvidia site.

In this case pressing ā€œSearchā€ yields that this card takes the 470.82 driver.


Ever since I used Linux-based computing Nvidia has been a total pain in the ass. Intel and AMD have never given me a problem. In their defence I am not a gamer and that may make a difference to many people but as far as I am concerned I am not buying their hardware again, unless it becomes more user friendly. Workarounds and all that nonsense doesnā€™t do it for me. Pah! (rant over :wink:).

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I donā€™t like hearing this in all my years of using Linux over 20 to be precise Nvidia has never caused any serious problems for me on Linux ,Intel on my 8 years old desktop is not usable unless you are drunk lol, Amd means spending more money to harm the planet, with no improvement to performance, saying that some distros go out of their way to make nvidia hard to install Arch does not.

Nvidia has supported my eco-friendly card for 10 years with their prime-driver, going to legacy was totally painless as its just the same driver not receiving enhancements.

So when non nvidia users chime in to slate nvidia, the very same ones that slate Gnome or non KDE. I take it as a insult to the millions of nvidia and non KDE users world wide. not personal but the net has turned normal users into over opinionated persons, Sorry rant over donā€™t be offended like millions of Nvidia and KDE users are :grinning:

Youā€™ve obviously never used an optimus laptop. A technology that nvidia refused to support in Linux, and third party hacks had to be developed to make these laptop usable (ie bumblebee).

Then their is their push for crappy EGLStreams instead of GBM for wayland, which they have only now reverted in their 490 driver. After how many years? Time will tell how much theyhave half :peach:ed their GBM implementation.

AMD in Linux just works. Open source drivers incorporated into the kernel. There are sometimes regressions, but Arch users are the first to test new kernels so that can be expected.

For the longest time optimus laptops were hard to install for regular users. I remember the first time I configured bumblebee and tried to get it working. Nightmare. All because nvidia didnā€™t support optimus on Linux. At all.

These third party hacks oftern broke too with driver updates and relegation to lts drivers. The 340 driver only works with much older kernels.

AMD just works.


Iā€™ve generated much more e-waste with Nvidya cards than with AMD cards. Theyā€™ve been doing this for decades, dropping driver support for old cards, which are still perfectly usable, causing them to become e-waste. Why? Because they want you to buy a new card, even if youā€™re perfectly happy with an old one.

You can still use a 20 year old AMD card on Linux with no issues.

So, if you think buying Nvidya is better for the environment than buying AMD, youā€™re delusional.

Nvidya does not care about that giraffe any more than Tim Cook does.


I stand by my experience and opinion about nvidia, but regarding DEā€™s I have 4 machines running EnOS with KDE, XFCE, Fluxbox and i3wm so I donā€™t have a bias about that.

Their is no such thing they were ATI 100% propriety back then and crap. You can still use old Nvidia cards on windows, Linux or Mac

Linux Display Driver Version 100.14.11 from nvidia download from Nvidia easy to install in terminal the Nvidia way. They support old cards its Linux that does not do the support

No iā€™m not dilusional I think you may be, My Keplar is still supported as legacy for many years to come it would be dilutional to buy a AMD card as this card is still supported. Also the Linux free drivers support the cards and work quite well for wayland

The earliest Radion drivers i found were 2016 6 years old needless i did not search hard mind you .

I remember the time when I started hanging out in Linux communities that everyone said, ā€˜Nvidia cardsā€™ have the most power on Linux. So I bought Nvidia cards ā€¦ and yes they always worked well and even if the driver was a closed source ā€¦ it was always relatively easy as a package from distribution or directly from Nvidia (run). Only recently has Nvidia support and problems increased. And it is so that Nvidia does not completely stop the support for older cards, only no new extensions and additional features are developed for them.

The problem is the implementation of the install process and detection of the hardware on Linux.

The driver itself recognizes supported and unsupported hardware.
A generic Nvidia package could certainly do the same and, depending on what is recognized, install the appropriate driver package. We could do that too, but for this, the Nvidia packages would have to be in the official Arch repo and not in the AUR.

I am still dreaming of a hardware detection from Archlinux :sleeping:

We follow the Arch philosophy of making no restrictions, you as the user can decide for yourself what you want to use and what does not fit into your world.

for questions and issue with the upgrade from nvidia 470xx to 495xx open a new post.



You must have lived in an alternate timeline somewhere - Nvidia werenā€™t even around when ATI cards were the best way to get graphics on Linux. (ATI started 1985, nvidia 1995). personally I have stuck with ATI/AMD pretty well straight through, with one integrated Intel for variety (never bought another Intel either!). Nvidia has been variable in its Linux usability - sometimes there are good drivers, sometimes not - but they are never open (yet) or properly documented.

As for delusional thinking - there is no need to buy an AMD until you next need an upgradeā€¦ by definition you donā€™t need an upgrade if the ā€˜currentā€™ device is satisfactory. When an upgrade seems good, and AMD choice is better for Linux, and has been for some time, For one thing they cooperate, and decent drivers are in the kernel. Doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t get an nvidia if youā€™re attached to them, and like playing with closed source drivers - your choice :grin:

As for Radeon drivers - you donā€™t find recent ones on the loose as most AMD video is supported in the kernelā€¦


Some deep diggin into the fantastic world of Nvidia: