Nvidia 495 "supported"

Well I’m not sure what the issue is because i have the same card except I’m on Xfce and i only have one monitor hooked up. But these shouldn’t matter. So i guess the option for now is nouveau drivers. Or possibly the lts kernel will work but since we know it works on open source maybe that’s the best option right now.

Edit: You just have to make sure after running this command that you check inxi -Ga and that it say’s nouveau and of course that it works! :grinning:

nvidia-installer -dkms -n

You’re probably right
I hope that the new version of the nvidia driver will be usable again for me.
what was the command again to instll the open source driver?

I would just say that im going to get it running again and then call it a day

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It’s in the post above.

yeah I saw it right now

At least I learned that my next gpu will going to be from amd :slight_smile:

In the end I’m sorry i can’t get this working for you but i hoped you learned a little more than before. :wink:

The amdgpu works pretty good. I’m on that one right now and i have others also.

I definetly did and im really thankful that you tried to help me
I will try again when the next gpu driver from nvidia will release an then the chaos will start again probably :sweat_smile:

Have a nice day/evening or whatever!

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Maybe one of the devs will have an answer for this issue.

Is there somewhere I can ask a dev?

Right now they are unusually busy working on some updates but if they see the post maybe they respond.

Will they maybe see this post or should I post somewhere else?

The problem your going to run into is going through a lot of this again. When it was working before was that on the 470xx drivers? I’m trying to understand when it stopped working and why you chose to install the AUR version.

Can’t get this nvidia working no how! :man_shrugging:

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so it stopped working when I installed the 495 (latest) driver with sudo pacman -Syu
and before that I have seen a reddit post about this nvidia driver that some grafic cards arent suppoted anymore.
so thats why I installed the 470xx driver because I was in the same blackscreen as now.
after that my system worked again so I thought I only had an outdated card but today I checked again and it says supported and thats the reason why I created this thread

Well I guess the other option would be then to go back to the 470xx drivers. I’m just not 100% how to do that with ease. I’m not sure if can use downgrade to do that at this stage. If you still have the 495xx installed you could try but you want to get the correct 470xx version which are not the ones from the AUR. Maybe @joekamprad can advise how to do this.

It’s just strange to me as i have the same card and mine works on the 495xx version.

strange issue… as if there would be something other than the 495 driver causing the issue it would do the same for 470 version…
B.T.W Herzlich willkommen Mixel :wink:

To see what is the issue with latest Nvidia driver it would need to see the boot log when booting on them.

And on the configs needed for Nvidia driver i would go for the grub entry only or none till you figured out what is the issue… on a dedicated Nvidia Card it should boot just fine without any extra configurations.

boot log:
journalctl -b -0 | eos-sendlog

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downgrade will not work in this case… and the 470xx AUR builds are easy to install you need only to go the way to uninstall the default ones and after that install the AUR builds.
It can be complicated if you have a lot stuff depending on the Nvidia drivers, where the -Rdd comes in handy … but can be dangerous also if you do not install the replacing packages directly and reboot p.e. :wink:

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Here are the logs
Sadly I couldnt log in on the grub console because I was to late I think

Also thank you guys for such a nice welcoming way :slight_smile:

or opposite:

sudo pacman -Rdd nvidia-dkms nvidia-settings nvidia-utils

yay -S nvidia-470xx-utils nvidia-470xx-dkms nvidia-470xx-settings