Try rebooting and see if it loads?
Shouldnt I install the drivers first to see if they get the new version?
(Sorry if I dont get it right now)
If you want to try the long way
sudo pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-libgl nvidia-settings
Edit : These aren’t the dkms version but as long as it installs you could change them after.
Should’ve worked now!!
[mixel@mixel-ms7a33 ~]$ pacman -Q | grep nvidia
lib32-nvidia-utils 495.44-1
nvidia 495.44-2
nvidia-installer-db 2.5.1-2
nvidia-installer-dkms 3.3.11-1
nvidia-settings 495.44-1
nvidia-utils 495.44-3
opencl-nvidia 495.44-3
thats good, right?
now I only have to reboot right?
Yes…reboot and run
inxi -Ga
And this is what happened yesterday…
It won’t boot now in this screen
Okay can you get to a tty from there? ctrl + alt +f2
Log in as root and run nvidia-installer-dkms
Okay I ran the installer and it downloaded the drivers and so on then I rebooted
But I’m still stuck in the bootup
I just keep saying “Nvidia is not my friend”!
Yeah definitely my next gpu will 100% be from amd
Because I heard that the drivers are god like
So maybe we should edit some conf files and add the drm and nvidia to the modules section of mkinitcpio. Are you able to do that with nano from the tty?
Edit: I can give you all the instructions.
If you guide me correctly I think I’m able to do it but alone i would never be able to do it
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
To this line & it looks something like this
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nvidia-drm.modeset=1 resume=UUID=...
Then you have to save the file by using ctrl + o and then enter
Then to exit nano use
ctrl + x
Then run this command to update grub and then there is a bit more.
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Let me know when you have this done but don’t reboot yet.
I think I need a bit more assistance than I expected
For me it isn’t exactly the line you provided but it’s similar
Also do I have to add the comment above or below
Also can I just write in nano or do I have an insert mode like in vim or something?
The line won’t be exactly the same. But it’s the deafult grub command line you just add
I have to slip out for an hour or so to get winter tires on. I will be back and give you the other section to edit. So don’t reboot or do anything. Once i get back it won’t take long and hopefully it works.
Okay I added the line below the line you provided I’m now trying to do the rest and will wait for you to be back
Also good luck and thank you for helping me so much!
I’ll be back shortly as i just got a call for cancellation. So i’m taking it.
No worries
I’ll chip in to help on this next step since I know what @ricklinux is trying to do. Gimme one moment to bring up some info for you.
Okay thank you!
Do I still have to add the line if I already have it in there?
It’s in line 4-5 I think
Or what exactly should I do?