Numlock on early stage

@xircon yes I’m on dracut, I have made any change with the way EOS was shipped :

~ via  v18.17.1 
󰣇 yay dracut | grep -i installed
2 endeavouros/eos-dracut 1.2-1 (15.1 KiB 3.4 KiB) (Installed)
1 extra/dracut 059-3 (287.3 KiB 1.0 MiB) (Installed)

Dracut and mkinitcpio - you have one or the other they do not co-exist. As to your question - no idea, never used encryption.

I learned that after all my test :sweat_smile: when I found this topic : Dracut replacing mkinitcpio? effects - #30 by dalto

@anthony93 I misunderstood the role and the way all this work, I do not use mkinitcpio so it’s no relevant to test that. fyi yes I made the test some day ago (21 aug yes) :slight_smile: