No upgrade

endeavouros-theming: /etc/pacman.d/hooks/lsb-release.hook existiert im Dateisystem
endeavouros-theming: /etc/pacman.d/hooks/os-release.hook existiert im Dateisystem


i try this with overwrite but it is not working

Did you write the command carefully, with all characters as in the instructions?


Or, if you have a backup, I’m sure you have :smiley:

sudo pacman -Sy endeavouros-theming --overwrite "*" && sudo pacman -Syu

Or copy and paste from dalto :slight_smile:

Have a nice weekend and stay healthy @all :slight_smile:

Hmm, I have backups and do

sudo pacman -Syu --overwrite "*"

if files exist (existiert im Dateisystem)

“Et hätt noch immer jot jejange” :wink:

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[bernd@bernd-hpc ~]$ sudo pacman -Sy endeavouros-theming --overwrite /etc/pacman.d/hooks/Fehler: Konnte den Vorgang nicht durchfĂĽhren (In Konflikt stehende Dateien)
endeavouros-theming: /etc/pacman.d/hooks/lsb-release.hook existiert im Dateisystem
endeavouros-theming: /etc/pacman.d/hooks/os-release.hook existiert im Dateisystem
Fehler sind aufgetreten, keine Pakete wurden aktualisiert.
[bernd@bernd-hpc ~]$

It looks like you missed the \* at the end.

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Zu wenig :slight_smile:

sudo pacman -Sy endeavouros-theming --overwrite /etc/pacman.d/hooks/\*
I have a suspicion that he might not have a backup.
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Thank U , its all ok I forget * that

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that \*