Nice fzf package search; write actual command in prompt ? ZLE?

So what I was looking for was simply print -z…

This new version appears to work just the way I want. Thanks!

function pacs {
    cmd=$(yay -Slq | fzf --prompt 'yay> ' \
        --header 'Install packages. CTRL+(Pacman/Aur/Installed)' \
        --bind 'ctrl-p:change-prompt(pacman> )+reload(pacman -Slq)' \
        --bind 'ctrl-a:change-prompt(yay> )+reload(yay -Slq)' \
        --bind 'ctrl-i:change-prompt(inst> )+reload(yay -Qq)' \
        --multi --height=80% --preview 'sleep 2; yay -Si {1}' \
        --preview-window bottom) #| xargs -ro yay -S
    cmd=${cmd//$'\n'/ } # newline -> space
    if ! [ -z "$cmd" ];
    then print -z yay -S $cmd ;

edit: add test to avoid writing empty yay -S if no package selected