Does Endeavour use Arch repositories? Is any delay involved in package availability between Arch and Endeavor?
Does Endeavor also have its own repositories? Is there any package duplication/conflict with Arch repositories? I.e. Same package in both or same package but different?
Neither of the above are necessarily a problem, I simply seek to understand. (I will add though, that in general, I prefer to avoid the “unstable->testing->stable” model because under that model, “unstable” has a negative connotation, but often the up-to-date packages in “unstable” have features and fixes that “stable” doesn’t, so it seems to be an inefficient trade-off)
For the sake of clarification, I wish to add on to this.
EndeavourOS repo does not have any packages duplicated from Arch repo. However, there are packages which are in AUR and also in EndeavourOS repo. The reasoning is that installing from AUR takes more than 1 step (download PKGBUILD, compile, install) and its better to pre-package those in our repo for easy installation since we’re using it. One anyways cannot install from AUR during a Calamares install afaik.
eg. rate-mirrors, paru etc.
Other packages are specific to EndeavourOS (themes, scripts etc)
Yes, I had just been running rate-mirrors! I was exploring whether to redirect to the conf etc. Although during the installation, I think that the process was automated, so perhaps an automation exists. I was impressed that the installation appeared to scan for optimal mirrors as part of the process.
From other posts, I was under impression that mirrors may affect up-to-dateness of packages, but that’s not clear to me.
Actually there’s one exception: yad, which we have changed slightly because of a small size problem in some yad windows. You can study the small patch at our github site if you like, the source code is there.
So (other) packages come from
Arch repos directly
one EndeavourOS repo, which includes packages
implemented by the team
built directly from the AUR
Note that the [endeavouros] repo is placed first in /etc/pacman.conf. This gives us the opportunity to override Arch packages, and only one has been overridden as explained above.
Also logical. Provides a smooth transition to anything EndeavourOS offers as grows. I like the thinking/approaches that Endeavour uses: Advance to space but don’t disconnect from earth (just yet)