After creating a standard user from DE GUI errors popped up
kde66 asks password.
For that i had installed KDEwalletmanager and disabled wallet service.
New issue surfaced now.
The old issue of KDE wallet password prompt still appears despite disabling KDE wallet
Now Network Manager stopped accepting any changes.
Apply push button is greyed out.
It is asking me to enter wifi password for admin account as well now every time i logged in.
NM is Not storing password which it was doing before user creation
No secrets available, no agent available is the error for Wireless connection
Suggestion please
Possibly the same issue: Intel 7265 WiFi
What version of iwd
and ell
do you have installed?
pacman -Q iwd ell
iwd 2.20-2
ell 0.68-1
I’m gonna go sleep, but try downgrading iwd
to version 2.19-1
, then reboot.
sudo downgrade iwd
If all is well after, then open your pacman.conf
and add iwd
to the ignore list.
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
Edit the line that says “IgnorePkg
” like shown below:
# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
IgnorePkg = iwd
#IgnoreGroup =
Note that there should be no comment symbol “#
”— aka hashtag symbol.
It was some other reason. Before installing i had blocked outgoing traffic to ISP IP ranges , ,1.38.XXX.XXX in firewalld.
Reinstalled the OS.Clean install this time.Removed SAMBA and file sharing services in kde.
My advise to all members.
Dont use kde gui to create users.
Bug keeps asking for wallet password.
create by command line
and then for wheel group mark
% All %All which assigns sudo Admin privileges
while creating users i could not find replacement for adm
simply admin privileges are applied with adm as group
for standard user may be there is an option which i dont know
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