it took me a lot of time but “finally” is out now you can check it now and also message me if is still bloated
This smells like a virus trap!
is not source trust me bro
that would be cool if this AI thing you invented here was really your give-a-virus-away-for-free program you were selling last week. like a trojan AUR.
Downloading now! I love free stuff plus I’m the adventurous type
No, thank you. I don’t want another fetch program, done by someone who has repeatedly said that Linux needs an anti-virus, likely done with AI. If you had fun made making it, I’m glad because that’s what matters more.
is a joke
I got it installed, is it supposed to be doing this?!
Just kidding.
By the way, I do not need to be mentioned in the README.
I feel like this is really overstating my involvement; I only made one little suggestion which I am happy for you to use or not use without taking any credit at all.
yes the program should do
you still help me and i want to show my respect to all people who are involved
is not made by AI