My PC is frequently rebooting itself

“Water In” and “Water Out” with 216 °C seems a bit high :rofl:
Other than that the numbers look reasonable.

I have experienced the similar problem in the past.

My solution was to enable D.O.C.P. in Asus BIOS setting.
AMD CPU with RAM does not crash so far.

D.O.C.P is XMP ram settings in case the it’s not listed as that. I’ve actually never seen it listed as that.

After several days probing configurations and monitoring for temperatures and stability I can say my conclusion:

  • My problem with random reboots was due to voltages for memory and CPU

My observations:

  1. I initially changed Ai Overclock Tuner to DOCP Standard and DRAM Voltage to 1.38 for my mainboard, and added idle=nomwait as a kernel parameter in grub file,
  2. This change made stable my OS by using LTS kernel only,
  3. The problem persisted with ZEN kernel,
  4. I changed CPU Core Ratio to 38, CPU Core Voltage Override to 1.38 and CPU SOC Voltage to 1.2 for my mainboard. Those values were taken from here.
  5. I can use Zen kernel without any problems, that is, my OS is working stably.

I don’t know if any recent OS update helped to fix this situation.

Thanks folks for your help.

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It doesn’t make sense to me that your system doesn’t run on default settings. Why would you need to increase your ram voltages. Why would you have to change the default settings for the cpu. There is no reason why anyone would have to use overclocking. I guess if it works then it’s a win but I don’t understand it. :thinking:

Maybe my mainboard is not working fine (it has the latest BIOS update), reason? with default settings, my memory frequency is set to 3000MHz when it is 3200MHz, CPU Core voltage is set to 1.155V when it should be 1.5V at least, so it is reasonable to think the problem was voltage. Well I’m not an expert technician, but my OS is working OK up to now.

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I do know you have the latest Bios for that board. I wonder if the previous Bios gives you the same issue?

I’m using Endeavouros since 2 months ago, some weeks later I started having this problem which gradually escalated to become frequent. Before to EOS I used Manjaro for several years, I’ve had cases where my PC randomly rebooted and froze, but they were rare, except for a certain occasion where it randomly froze almost frequently, I think BIOS update solved it.

This doesn’t make any sense though. The Bios should automatically set the correct settings for the cpu.

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