Moved Into EOS and Arch Update Question

Hi everyone, I spent yesterday transitioning one of my two systems from Manjaro to a fresh install of EOS. All went rather dashingly well. The EOS wiki was a HUGE help, along with several searches on the forum for friendly user posts. My two big issues were 1) Using nvidia proprietary drivers with the Zen kernels. Solution in wiki was to install nvidia-installer-dkms and boom! I was able to boot into the kernel. 2) Was spell check. I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working since I had aspell installed. Turned out, I needed an aspell-en language pack install. Boom! Good to go…and LOVING LIFE!

I have one last (probably not) lingering question. I am from the green Mangaro camp and I have only known Arch updates via the Manjaro method, which is basically, their development team releases a bushel of updates after a trickle-down process from the unstable/testing branches…and finally to stable. These bundles of updates occurred usually twice a month, maybe once with a post on the forum where you could read/report about any issues before updating. I couldn’t find anything scouring the forums on Arch pure/EOS update regarding releases and frequency. Do they just continually flow like the river? Are there stop gap places to read about “issues” before updating?

Thanks in advance. :nerd_face:


The updates drop the moment arch drops them, so you can expect continous updates. You don’t have to update it that often, although some people like me do it every hour, once a week is fine also.

Sometimes, especially with major kernel releases or big DE updates (Gnome, Plasma) it is wise to wait and read the forum for issues, before updating. Unless you’re impatient like I am…


It’s exactly like on Manjaro Unstable branch, updates are much smaller and much more frequent (several times a day).

You don’t have to update straight away. Just don’t install any new packages before you update.

My advice: make Timeshift snapshots and in the off chance something goes wrong with an update, you’ll be fine.


Also read daily to see if there are any manual interventions mentioned.


As a 10 years long Archlinux user - and EndeavourOS is 99% Archlinux - I can say you have every single day new updates. Big one like KDE or Gnome, smallest one like a tool.

Never cherry pick your updates. Do them all. I’m using Pamac-Aur as a notifier.


LOL…I am the exact way. I can feel my that “birthday present” excitement when I see the notify pop up with an update. It is some internal wiring f*ckery in me. :laughing:

Thanks for the feedback. I am going to have to practice some Zen with EOS/Arch. :candle:


Thanks for all the great suggestions. I have bookmarked the AUR news site. I just need to rewire my thinking/methods and all will be good.


That’s what i like in Manjaro Stable and doesn’t like in pure Arch (let me pretend that i have life anyway :laughing:)

It isn’t that often, maybe two or three times a year and we also inform you when it is necessary over here.


Wait, but according to link by dates manual interventions are happening like 1-2 in month, or i missed something? :slightly_smiling_face:

EndeavourOS comes with a nifty script called arch-news-for-you . You just run in in the terminal and it prints out the latest Arch news title. So you don’t even have to open your browser to check if there’s anything new.

Also, if you use RSS to subscribe to your favourite podcasts and blogs, Arch news also has an RSS feed. A nice terminal-based RSS reader is newsboat.

You only need to check that if there is a large update. If it’s something minor, it’s usually fine.


Yeah, script i like though! :slight_smile:

This year was a busy year for Arch… :wink:

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I’m the exact same way. Other than constantly upgrading my hardware, it’s one of the reason I always use rolling release distributions!

Is that the EOS-update-notifier? I had to uninstall that. It kept popping up every 20 minutes (at least it seemed) and when I would go to click on it to see the news, it would just go away and nothing would happen. Mind you, I uninstalled Firefox, so maybe it uses it? I use Waterfox instead.

Yeah, it’s a part of the eos-update-notifier package.

If you were bothered by pop-up notifications, you didn’t have to uninstall it. You can disable pop-up notifications by editing /etc/eos-update-notifier.conf


:joy: I love that you owned it! I know myself, I am going to be clicking to get that new update. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Did you also know that you can change the schedule for eos-update-notifier?


It’s simple, you just take the terminal and type: yay and it’ll tell you if you have any updates.

Correct me if I’m mistaken, but that’s not a safe way to check for updates, because it refreshes the package database, and if you cancel it without updating, it’s equivalent to running pacman -Sy without u, which could potentially lead to a partial update scenario.

I could be wrong about this, though, please correct me if I am.