Kde present windows is returning no windows

when i active present windows it literally tells me “no windows.” when i do infact have tons of windows opened. also i have composite enabled in my settings. i turned off the ability of other apps to interfere with it as well.

it works in wayland but not in x11 but if i go into warland my setup (panels on my desktop) get all messed up so i can’t win. idk what to do. any help would be wonderful. thankx in advance.

UPDATE: wayland now boots into a black screen. i did recently install pantheon de. maybe they are conflicitng. i could try and uninstall pantheon de? idk nevermind i can’t:

➜  ~ yay -Rns pantheon
[sudo] password for fj:  
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing granite breaks dependency 'libgranite.so=6-64' required by switchboard-plug-desktop
:: removing switchboard breaks dependency 'libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64' required by switchboard-plug-desktop
:: removing granite breaks dependency 'libgranite.so=6-64' required by switchboard-plug-locale
:: removing switchboard breaks dependency 'libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64' required by switchboard-plug-locale
:: removing granite breaks dependency 'libgranite.so=6-64' required by switchboard-plug-security-privacy
:: removing switchboard breaks dependency 'libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64' required by switchboard-plug-security-privacy
:: removing elementary-icon-theme breaks dependency 'elementary-icon-theme' required by urutau-icons-git
:: removing elementary-icon-theme breaks dependency 'elementary-icon-theme' required by xfce4-settings
 -> exit status 1
➜  ~ sudo pacman -Rns pantheon
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing granite breaks dependency 'libgranite.so=6-64' required by switchboard-plug-desktop
:: removing switchboard breaks dependency 'libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64' required by switchboard-plug-desktop
:: removing granite breaks dependency 'libgranite.so=6-64' required by switchboard-plug-locale
:: removing switchboard breaks dependency 'libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64' required by switchboard-plug-locale
:: removing granite breaks dependency 'libgranite.so=6-64' required by switchboard-plug-security-privacy
:: removing switchboard breaks dependency 'libswitchboard-2.0.so=0-64' required by switchboard-plug-security-privacy
:: removing elementary-icon-theme breaks dependency 'elementary-icon-theme' required by urutau-icons-git
:: removing elementary-icon-theme breaks dependency 'elementary-icon-theme' required by xfce4-settings
➜  ~ 

come to think of it though this was happening BEFORE i installed pantheon de i believe, if i recall correctly but idk

Although idk what is kde present windows and why Alt+tab or top left hot corner is not enough.
I fiddled on a script that shows the present windows
with the active one at the title/header and you can select another window to activate + return to the original one after n seconds (n=5). It’s just a bash/yad etude.

yay -S kdotool
The script is in the home directory and is called by a keyboard shortcut.

# show windows / skip to a selected one for 5 seconds and return back
ACTWIN=$(kdotool getactivewindow)
WINAME=$(kdotool getwindowclassname $ACTWIN)
rm $HOME/mywins.txt

allWin=$(kdotool search --any)
for w in ${allWin[@]}; do
  echo $(kdotool getwindowclassname $w) $'\t' $w >> mywins.txt

declare -a data
while IFS=$'\t' read -r vorname nachname
    data+=("$vorname" "$nachname")
done < mywins.txt
yad --width=500 --height=500 --title="$WINAME" --list \
--select-action="/bin/sh -c \"printf \%\s'\t' %s >$HOME/mynextwin.txt\"" \
--column="Name" --column="Win" "${data[@]}"

SKIPTO=$(awk -F '\t' '{print $2}' $HOME/mynextwin.txt)
	kdotool windowactivate $SKIPTO
	sleep   5
	kdotool windowactivate "$ACTWIN"

I tested it in X11 and wayland as well.


THANKX I LOVE this community. you guys go above and beyond to help. THANKX AGAIN! FR FR :fire:

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