I started using this distro about 2 months ago and have had a hell of a time getting it installed properly. I tried almost a dozen times to get this thing installed on 2 different machines (one laptop, one desktop). I’ve been using Arch since 2008 and Linux in general since 2000 so I’m not a newbie. I have a pretty decent idea about what I’m doing. That said, however, I’ve had no end of issues trying to get this thing installed.
I can consistently replicate the installer giving me an error then flaming out and not allowing you to re-start the install unless you actually re-boot the damn machine too. It’s very frustrating. I did save 3 error logs, and I’m hoping all or one (at least) may be of some help.
The machine’s specifications are here:
[https://0x0.st/XWHL.txt](https://Desktop specs)
The installation logs with the errors are here:
[https://0x0.st/XWHf.txt](https://Log 1 July 22)
Log 3 also July 27 an hour after Log 2
I was originally attempting to install the system with a custom list of packages I wished pre-installed so I didn’t have to mess with it post-installation. However, that failed every time. The list itself had nothing exotic in it. That list can be found here.
I also told the installer NOT to install a bunch of packages (IE, nss, mdraid, some specific X11 packages and the Noto font series). After failing the install numerous times I worked out that unless I leave almost all the packages that are checked by default in-place the install will fail. The exception to this is that I could remove certain ‘cosmetic’ applications from the installation routine, IE a few fonts like Terminus and other unnecessary apps that allow the system to run without tripping over its own feet). If needed I can do yet another run and mark exactly which apps I removed to show you why it’s failing with those ones de-selected in Calamares.
I did eventually get both computers running with EoS but I’m not overly happy about the fact that the only way I could do so was to let the installer do whatever it wanted then uninstall things later that I don’t want/need. I also could, after KDE and other apps were up, begin the prcess of installing the apps I did want installed in the first place.
I don’t know if any of this information will help but I hope it does. This is a nice little distro overall but these issues are very frustrating to an old-timer like myself.
- Old Linux Girl Raine