hey petsam, don’t worry I will try to apply your helping advice! So, if you don’t read the next days from me it’s just because I’m struggling with it
But my first idea was: let’s see what any other of the distros that can be installed report to us. With the thought behind, it could be worth to watch the results and see what enOS is doing differently. Then perhaps - as all is open source, right - the way of action in this specific matter of other distros could be made use of in enOS installer. As an approach to improve enOS. But if this is wrong, nevermind.
So, I will now install enOS again and apply your hints. Will report back soon…
You may need to install a UEFI entry, with efibootmgr .
Have a look at Archwiki , about creating a UEFI entry manually, and/or GRUB .
I tried with efibootmgr after booting the USB stick with the enOS live system in that netbook (and after having installed enOS again…) and reading the respective part in Archwiki.
the first try ended in a boot entry in the UEFI like this, which doesn’t help as it seems to point to the USB stick… see foto
next, I tried to indicate to the installed systems file system - mounted to the live system - but that also gave no success (see second foto) and did not create a boot entry
I am writing these lines from a smoothly new installed MX Linux on this netbook. I regret to say, wished it had ended differently.
After my last post I continued with my tries to get endeavourOS to start and run on the netbook. Many steps with full of discovery and learning. But after:
discover the ways of chroot - here an arch-chroot -
again execute efibootmgr with no helpful result, no boot possible
try to install grub
discover that are no grub commands on that installed enOS available
try to install grub package on that installed, chrooted enOS
end up with no way to make use of internet connection in that installed, chrooted enOS (use of resolv.conf failed)
so I decided for a different approach, installing a smoothly booting small MX Linux on that netbook, meaning reserving only a small partition,
installing enOS in another, big partition next to MX Linux,
included enOS into the grub created and used by MX Linux which worked at once,
but whatever variant I tried, every enOS boot attempt ended in kernel panic
(end kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs in unknown block)
or black screen and hang up.
So I finally deleted the enOS partition and use the netbook completely for MX Linux.
I will wait for better days with maybe further enOS versions which may include such netbooks.
But anyway: I will happily continue with endeavorOS on my fine ThinPad!
so, as a final test and because I really wanted to know, I installed a bare Arch Linux on that ASUS netbook. With GRUB as bootloader. All steps worked fine.
And: voilá, Arch Linux is working fine with Grub bootloader!!
So, my conclusion is: the above problem causing this thread must be someting in EndeavourOS installer!
My five cents, should be meaningful for the installer developers to look into it…
You could try to go from here and convert that arch installation to EnOS via the guide on how to convert Manjaro to EnOS - Should be reasonably straight forward since you can leave out many of the steps to replace all the Manjaro stuff