Installed EndeavourOS having internet issues

Hi Kagator,
I have used the Lenove Vantage, it detects the laptop serial number and gives me the warning that there is no Windows 10 bios upgrade.


Okay … but if you had updated prior to installing Windows 10 it would have that Bios update on it.

I may have a solution, how about just getting a new Framwork laptop.

They have a DIY laptop that is certified to work with Manjaro, so it should work fine on EOS. This Lenovo still would have the Broadcom issues and it’s 9 years old. I still use it for Ham radio contests

Any thoughts on a Framwork laptops?


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You could also get a new Lenovo. I just got the 14" Thinkbook and it is awesome. Has both WiFi and Ethernet.

Ok, let me try to download the file for the the update and try to run it. I am sorry to be such a newb. I have lots to learn!

Which model did you purchase!!


I got the 14" Thinkbook with Ryzen 5500 512 GB drive and 8GB memory. They are unavailable i see right now again. Just have to keep watching their site.

I was just looking at the Lenovo site, 2 months back order.

The Framework I am looking at has the aluminum case, Intel I5, 16 gig ram and 1 terabit. And no bloatware. Processor is not as nice, but it’s pretty cool how they sell you the parts and you put it together. Website help is very comprehensive I like that kind of stuff. I have built may ham radio kits over the years.

You will have to download the bios manually and run it from windows. Thats what i did for my parents ideapads