Install "kio_recoll"?

I said:

And I gave a link how to report to the maitainer of the recoll package in Arch repos:

Or if you are installing from AUR, then the maintainer of the PKGBUILD on AUR.
Anyways, kio_recoll is already flagged out of date on AUR.

It is not, because:

In the case of kio_recoll from AUR, the PKGBUILD was:

So if you are still interested in installing kio_recoll from AUR:

Try the following:

  1. git clone

  2. cd kio_recoll

  3. nano PKGBUILD

Use the arrow keys to got the line:


Change it to:


Press in turn, Ctrl-o, enter, Ctrl-x.

  1. updpkgsums

  2. makepkg -si

I have no way of testing if this would work but hopefully it does.
If you get any errors, I am afraid I won’t be available for some time to help with troubleshooting.
The developer has kindly offered to help. Or some other forum members might be able to reach out.

Good luck!

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