Install all EndeavourOS Packages

Guys, I am converting a vanilla Arch distro to EndeavourOS. I have been able to install the keyring and mirros and add the EOS repo in pacman.conf. I am able to install individual packages from the EOS repo using Pacman by typing the package name in manually. When I run pacman -Sl I see all the endeavouros packages, so I think I am pretty well configured.

However, I would like to install all the EndeavourOS packages without typing them into pacman individually. Is there some way to do that quickly. I have had no luck so far after reading the man pages and googling extensively.

Thanks in Advance and Happy New Year.

You’ll get the list of all EndeavourOS packages like this:

 pacman -Sl endeavouros | awk '{print $2}'

and to install them all you could do

 sudo pacman -S --needed $(pacman -Sl endeavouros | awk '{print $2}')

But the question is: why?
You can always easily install the ones you need.

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Well I need them all, since I am converting a vanilla Arch install to EOS. Typing them all in manually is time consuming.

Additionally, I am trying to learn more. I was trying to pipe the input of pacman -Sl endeavouros into pacman like you did but was completely unsuccessful!

Thanks for the help.

Note that some of the packages are useless if you don’t have the hardware they are meant for, for example nvidia-installer-*.

Yes, indeed, some are useless. In fact, I can’t get your command to run due to a conflict with the nvidia stuff, and I don’t need nvidia:

nvidia-installer and nvidia-installer-dkms are in conflict

Thanks for the help, I guess I will type the other packages in manually to pacman. Unless you can help by providing a command that installs everything but the nvidia packages… I’m sure you can but my regex mastery isn’t up to it.

It’s a bad idea to install the entire repo. Most of the packages there you won’t need. It’s a short list, just go through it and install what you need (which will probably include endeavouros-keyring, endeavouros-mirrorlist, endeavouros-theming, grub2-theme-endeavouros, eos-hooks, inxi, and yay).


Thank you, I appreciate the advice. In the end, I went through and installed everything but yay and downgrade (already previously installed manually from the AUR), the nvidia stuff, the openswap package and the reflector-auto, due to it being deprecated.

Really I was just doing this more as a learning experience. I already have a fully functioning EndeavourOS install, so I was trying to go through the whole process of adding custom repos to arch, etc, and chose EndeavourOS to be my add-on to vanilla Arch, because I was already familiar with it and because of the helpful community.

Thanks again for the help.

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