In-truck Raspberry Pi media server

I dont know how possible it is but I want to use a Rasberry pie as a media server in my truck and use my head unit as the monitor. It is a Kenwood ddx double din unit. Pretty low resolution but music videos look ok on it. I have not researched this much so any info anyone has any experience or info with something like this it would be helpful.

The first obstacle would be the proper Video signal.
The only video connector on the RPi is HDMI. I am not familiar with a din connector.

Does the Kenwood ddx double din have a Ethernet connector? I doubt it.

If you can’t stream it from the Pi to the Kenwood on Ethernet, well I don’t know how to go about it.


Here is some information on powering a RPi 5 in a vehicle.


My headunit is a DDX6904S.

It has 2 usb inputs, and 1 input cable connection. It doesn’t have Ethernet I dont think. It does have Bluetooth though. It seems like it could be done with usb, though I have no idea.

According to page 21 of the user manual for DDX6904S a properly formatted USB drive should suffice to play video or music. This option does not use a raspberry pi so that functionality would be lost, but I don’t know of a readily available way to go from HDMI (or micro HDMI) to the weird connector Kenwood is using for audio/video input.

Weird Kenwood connector:

Edit: Did find an interesting video on YouTube about creating a custom boot screen for your head unit. Maybe there is some other options in that hidden menu the video shows?

That looks like a standard 4-pin A/V cable. Although, I can’t see how the pins are wired just by looking at the cable.

Doesn’t the Pi support the exact same standard?

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I’m not sure since I have only ever used HDMI on raspberry pi’s to get video out. Hmm… checked your link and yeah, that looks to be like Kenwoods connector. That would make it a lot easier if so.

You are correct. I have used vlc to convert video to smaller format for it to play on the headunit screen.

Unfortunately this is only for 9 series units. I have a 6 series. I didnt feel like dropping just under 1k for the latest and greatest.