Im using a thinkpad carbon with i5 cpu and iGPU. when the computer comes out of sleep, the bottom half of the screen keeps flickering. i found a solution and managed to implement it on popos. however i dont know how to implement the solution on EOS


The title explains the issue. Its a kernel bug with certain models of intel cpus and can be fixed by adding a command to kernel.

I managed to edit kernel in popos and it fixed the issue. below is the command that i used.
kernelstub -a “i915.enable_psr=0”

However I havent figured out how to implement the same kernel fix on EOS. this is my first time doing anything with kernel. anyone here who could tell me how I can add the command on EOS?

Grub or systemd-boot?

systemd-boot - edit /etc/kernel/cmdline add i915.enable_psr=0

Rebuild your initramfs - sudo reinstall-kernels

Grub - edit /etc/default/grub e.g.
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.enable_psr=0"

Rebuild initramfs - you will have to look this up - my memory is baaaaad :rofl:

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You likely forget more than what I’ll ever know. :thinking:

Been on dracut for a while. It used to be easy - sudo update-grub but that was removed, think it is still in aur, but it is only an alias to the full command:

grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

(I cheated - I ssh’d into my home pc from my phone!!!).

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In the future, and on any forum, use shorter titles like, “Screen Flickering on Thinkpad Carbon” and put the details in the post.

Please. :pray:


hey. thank you. its systemmd. however I have a question. i believe this file is read only. how do i edit the file if it’s read only? :slight_smile:

sudo nano /path/