I3-wm gaps problem

Hello guys, can someone give me a hand? I’m configuring i3-wm, and in the gaps option:

gaps inner 6
gaps outer 3

I want to use:

gaps inner 6
gaps horizontal 10
gaps bottom 10

But the gaps inner 6 is being added to the outer gaps. Why does this happen? I’m using picom, but there’s nothing that could interfere.

Welcome to the community! :vulcan_salute: :enos_flag:

Have you taken a look at the gaps section of the manual?
i3 Manual: https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#gaps

Outer gaps can be configured for each side individually with the top, left, bottom and right directive. horizontal and vertical are shortcuts for left/right and top/bottom, respectively.

Happy learning! :wink:

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