I3 and xfce installed. Default i3 background get changed by something

Hello community!
Today I have a very newbie problem.
I’ve installed just few days ago the OS with both XFCE and i3.
I’ve now change the i3 configuration file in order to set with feh the background.
Everytime I start the laptop the background is set correctly and few second after it gets changed by something to the default one.
I can’t figure out by what… any hint?
I checked X configuration, but it’s not in there…
Thank a lot!

# set wallpaper
 exec --no-startup-id sleep 2 && nitrogen --restore

Not sure but I wonder if the line above needs to be commented out?

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It was that easy!
Thanks a lot.
I don;t know how you guessed, but yes, the error was I did uncomment both the lines!

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