How to prioritise aur over chaotic-aur

I’m not understanding the problem, I guess. When I use yay -Sua I get the updates from the AUR, that I discovered with yay -Qua, It does NOT bother with the same package name in chaotic - especially since it was not installed from there in the first place! If it was a chaotic package, then I would remove it, and re-install the AUR version for future use. Why is this a problem?

Edit: Is chaotic-aur that far behind on its builds for that matter? I know they try pretty hard to keep up - there is a constant update stream of rebuilds coming in the mirror…

pacman/yay doesn’t care where you installed a package from.

For example, if you have chaotic-aur added as repo and you install a package from the AUR that is also in chaotic-aur, your future updates will come from chaotic-aur. If you do yay -Sua, those packages won’t be updated since yay will consider them repo packages. Of course, if you remove the repo and then do yay -Sua then they will get updated.

Because your future updates would still come from chaotic-aur.

IMO, there are a lot of reasons not to use chaotic-aur and this is one of them.

OK - if you say it will cross-pollinate, you are more likely to know. However - it doesn’t seem to happen that way on my system. Perhaps there is a slight naming difference between them that allows the system to know which is which? I shall have to investigate further I guess.

There are always lots of pros and cons to adding repos - but chaotic-aur is full of things that are real PITA to be rebuilding constantly, should you be needing them. Different kernel versions particularly! Off to reboot to one of my systems with chaotic enabled to check names - I wonder how pacman gets confused between ~.cache/yay/packagename/ and /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ …

For anyone that wants to copy my kludge I’ve thought about it more in terms of usability.

I’ve got my normal pacman.conf with chaotic enabled, and a separate pacman-normal.conf with chaotic disabled.

Then I use the following script via an alias:

sudo pacman -Syu
yay -Syu --devel --config /etc/pacman-normal.conf

This means that in general usage I can still search chaotic-aur and aur for packages. Also it updates from chaotic-aur first so if the build is the same in aur but it’s prebuilt in chaotic aur then you won’t need to build it from aur.

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