How to install Flightgear?

One last question. When i CD into the name of the pkg. How do i replace the content? How do i open the PGKBUILD and replace with what you have provided. I haven’t done much of this so bear with me. :neutral_face:

It depends on your text editor. As I’m using Mate, pluma is my text editor. Just use your favorite text editor to open a PKGBUILD, replace it with the new content and save it.

Okay…i tried copy and paste but i got an error on makepkg -si on the flightgear on line 44. I’ll try again another time. I’m trying to get used to Xfce and some things are just weird to me. I’m used to Cinnnamon with open as root and stuff. I am no programmer so i have to read between the lines some times with instructions and figure out what it means. :anguished: Thanks!