How to fix RAM memory leak bug on a computer with AMD Ryzen 7 2700X and AMD RX 5700XT?

Ah, the bug returned.

The i3 returned xwayland and sway returned xcb. Does the code in the .{x,p,z}profile files look correct for you?

Observe that I removed totally SDDM and I decide to type my username, my password and to run startx for i3 and exec sway for sway.

But on Sway, slock, xidlehook and suspend do not work unless I run suspend with a keybinding.

Due to the wrong detection of desktop session, many apps stop working.


@freebird54 and @anon96036739,

The ghost problem of session restoration and logoff has been solved with:

  • I had to purge totally SDDM;
  • I had to type my username, my password from tty and to run startx
  • I found the ghost and dead NVIDIA services, and removed them;
  • I copied the services from @dbrgn’s his dotfiles to /etc/systemd/system/ and modified the xidlehook.service, and enabled and started the services;
  • I created the ssh-agent in the user systemd, enabled and started it.

It worked only on i3, but it does not work on Sway.

I am still facing the bug of wrong detection of desktop session.

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No, because it always “returns” xwayland, no matter what.
If it should sometimes return xcb and sometimes xwayland, then it does not work.

There are only AND operations (&&) in contradicting tests. so the overall test result is always false.
For example, DESKTOP_SESSION cannot be both i3 AND /usr/bin/i3.

You had OR testing (||) which in principal sounds much better.

Maybe a working test set should contain both AND and OR tests.

A tip: design the tests on paper first, get the logic right. Then write it in bash.

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