How to find out why something got installed?

Yeah, I know(about brave), sadly. :frowning:
But there really isn’t much out there in terms of options when it comes to browsers, at least nothing I’ve seen and liked… And I figured doing something has to be better then doing nothing(aka staying on chrome), so brave it is, for now at least. :pleading_face:

Yeah right, tell winshit that!! :rage: (rage emoticon and !'s at it, not at you) Check out (mostly the lower half of) this thread if you wanna find out more about my disk space adventures and you don’t have better stuff to do with your time(which I’m guessing you do :wink:).
LE: Ups, linked the wrong thread, my bad. Fixed now.

Well that’s a relief, good to know, thank you. :slight_smile:

Ok, once more I have no idea which post to select as solution, nor do I even really think just one single post deserves that in this case…
So I am just gonna quote a bunch of people, do some editing to keep the more relevant(IMO) parts, put them all in this post and mark this as the solution. Thus (hopefully) making it easier for future newbs like me who stumble upon it to learn.

Thank you everyone once again! :grin:

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