How does I can get sha512sums?

I’m doing some learning about AUR and I need to link a small app I have in my GitLab repo (which is better for this GitLab or GitHub?). Anyway I don’t know how to generate the sha512sums that need to be added to the PKGBUILD file.

  $_url/${pkgname}-collect   # not installed as app, used only under PKGBUILDS/eos-apps-info
#The sha512sums for the above 5 files. I think.

How can I get these?

  1. Upstream should ideally provide checksums and/or signatures for releases
  2. sha512sum $file
  3. makepkg -g
  4. updpkgsums

The one you prefer. Some prefer GitLab because it’s not owned by Microsoft.


I figured it out thank you.

My understanding of this is that they are checksums for the files listed. You have been given them in the PKGBUILD. What needs doing is to check them against the other received files - as listed.

Once you access to the files, the simplest usage is:
sha512sum filename to produce an output you can compare to. More info from man sha512sum or sha512sum --help - or in the usual places like Archwiki :grin:

Hope this helps…

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Yeah, I just wanted to find out how to generate them for the first time to use with my files in my repo. Did a search but it only showed me errors that got solved not what to do might be my mistake with search.

GitLab also has nicer buttons.

Slightly NSFW language, relevant timestamp: 1:04:40


This trend is already gone.

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